cave House located in my hometown in East Tennessee. Too bad the dream faded and I have no desire to move to Missouri, because this cave house is for sale on eBay. The Sleeper family turned the 17,000 square foot into a home that includes the basics like livingroom, bathrooms, bedrooms and a den; but it also includes a party room and a full service laundry area. The bidding starts at $300,000.
Like many others, the Sleepers say they have fallen victim to the financial crunch. They hope to raise the money needed to save the home, if not the cave home goes to the highest bidder. Here is your chance to live in the Stone Age–living with more luxury than Fred Flintstone ever dreamed of. A cave with all the amenities of modern life– a kitchen, laundry room and even a party room is now available on eBay!
The owners provide services, office space, computer systems and marketing, and receive a percentage of every broker’s earnings. The more brokers hired and the more sales they make, the more the owners earn. But since the residential market all but collapsed in October, there has been a sharp drop in closings — the moment when brokers receive their commission checks. That has put pressure on many brokerage firms to reduce their high fixed costs.
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