Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sons of Liberty Riders

Sons of Liberty Riders
Sons of Liberty Riders is a source of information for motorcyclists rights. The innovative website says that the rights of motorcyclists are being eroded everyday and it is their right to fight for their rights. The website says, “Our Rights and Liberties are being eroded everyday, we must work very hard to preserve them, and we must be vigilant. As Bikers we are under larger threats than most groups of people, and Motorcycle Rights Organizations can't do it all by themselves. We must all participate in the struggle to regain lost Liberty and stop the erosion of any more. Join our email alert list and stay up to date on current issues effecting Motorcycle Rights Activists around the country.” “All of the Editors will pen the Alerts under the pen name of Publius. Like the original Publius, no one will know who edited that Alert, nor should anyone care. We all have opinion's and in groups like this opinion is strong, so we won't try and tell you what to do with the information but just get it in your hands 2 or 3 times a week and let you decide. We may not even agree with what we send you, but how can you work against it if you don't know what's going on?” says it.
It further says, “Who are the Sons of Liberty Riders? The answer is not really who but what. Not a person or group of people but a concept, an idea, a vision to get good solid information in the hands of Freedom seeking minds across the U.S. There will no longer be a membership. The driving force behind SoLR will be its list members, people who feed SoLR info to be distributed in our Alerts. We are a small group of like minded individuals that have banded together to put out factual, pertinent, non-opinionated and non-biased information......without flooding your inbox”. He also made sure that the USET had a permanent home in Gladstone at Hamilton Farm, where the Gladstone Driving Event and world championships were held. "That's a terrific legacy,'' said Jim Wolf, the USET's former eventing director, who is now the U.S. Equestrian Federation's executive director of sport programs.

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