Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Big Brother 11 After Party

Big Brother 11 After Party
Big Brother 11 Update 8:15 PM BBT Wednesday August 12- After the Party Jeff, Jordan, Michelle, Russell laugh Jeff, Jordan, Russell, and Michelle are in the Splash room laughing. They talk about everyone being too shy to dance. Jeff says that he likes drinking. Jeff says that Jordan’s eyelashes are so long that they look fake. Jordan goes under the covers and Jeff covers his head. Russell says that is uncomfortable. Russell asks if the cuddle in the morning and Jeff says that their a*es bump together as they try to get more room. Russell asks if they have butt wars. They say yeah. Michelle says this is the best summer ever. Jeff says that he is comfortable and Michelle says satiated, and he says yeah. What does that mean? Jeff asks if Michelle works with bunsen burners and she says that she burns plastic and stuff he asks if she burns rat hair. She says that she makes the things she puts in the rats. They start talking about pee holes and Jeff says that a guy’s pee hole, the mushroom and then you have the pee hole…….. Jordan thinks that girls have more holes than a guy, a guy has a butt hole and a pee hole, a girl has a pee hole, a butt hole, and a period hole. Jordan says that they just stop up some stuff sometimes.
Jeff asks what she is talking about and Jordan says nothing. Jordan asks if a Michelle has ever had butt sex and Michelle says that he has tried it several times. Jordan says that it must hurt and Michelle says that there are nerves there and it can feel good. Michelle says that rats wiggle when they want it and they wiggle their butts and their ears. Michelle says that she told her hubby about it so sometimes she does it as a joke. Jordan asks if they do weird sex and Michelle says that male rats will do weird things to each other if they are alone in the cage away from the opposite sex for long periods. Jordan asks again about anal sex. She says that she isn’t going to let anything in there because of what comes out of it. She wants to know if there is lots of lubrication. Michelle says yeah. She says she knows guys like it. Jordan says that she has seen porn where they all dress up like pigs and they have sex. Jordan says that on HBo every Thursday there is this sex show. Jordan says that there is another one called the Bunny Ranch and another one with a man who had one woman in the daytime and one in the nighttime. Michelle says that they all have pig suits. They all laugh. Jordan says she is not going to put a finger in a guy’s butt hole and Jeff says that the way he is farting, she could lose a finger in his. They are all loaded and laughing.
Jordan says that Jeff must have skid marks in his pants and Jeff says that she had to change her pants today and she told him not to tell anyone, and he says that she sh* in her pants. She says that no, she justs farted and had to change her pants. He tells her not to throw him under the bus. They keep cuddling and hugging and she says stop, laughing. They high five a truce and he waves a line down the center of the bed and says don’t cross the truce line. They are all four laughing. They talk about someone who wakes up moaning and kicking the blankets and Jordan imitates Michelle getting up in the morning, rubbing her hair and then she lays back down, making noises. Jeff tells of waking up from a nap and Michelle is moaning and he says that he took a step and he moaned, he clapped, she moans. Jeff says she is a super light sleeper. Jordan says that it is good, good times. Jeff says that it is like, self amusement, and Jordan says that Ronnie says that she talks in her sleep, Russell says he brought that up, and she is talking in her sleep. Jeff says that she talks in her sleep and he doesn’t know wtf she says.

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