Reached at his home Sunday night, King said he was tired of seeing Jackson "treated like the hero of civilization." "The bottom line is, he’s a pervert," King said. "He was endangering young children and all these people who say he's a great hero would never let their children or grandchildren near him." Hi, this is Congressman Pete King. Yesterday I marched in two Fourth of July parades in Wantagh and Massapequa Park. Today I was taking a walk through Wantagh here at the American Legion hall, fire house down the street, a fire memorial a few blocks from here. It really reminded me of the great men and women who have sacrificed so much for our country.
People fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, cops, firefighters, teachers, none of whom really get much credit. Yet for the last, I don’t know how long now, this lowlife, Michael Jackson, his name, his face, his picture is all over the newspapers and television, radio, it’s all we hear about is Michael Jackson. Let’s knock out the psychobabble. He was a pervert, a child molester, he was a pedophile. And to be giving this much coverage to him, day in and day out, what does it say about us as a country? I just think we’re too politically correct. No one wants to stand up and say we don’t need Michael Jackson. He died, he had some talent, fine. There’s men and women dying every day in Afghanistan. Let’s give them the credit they deserve.
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