The second episode shows The Glee members preparing to do a song for the school to recruit members to the club since they only have six members. One of the members decided to change the routine with out Mr. Schuester's knowledge and all trouble break's loose. This allows some great humor between the principal, Sue and Will. The Glee clubs rehearsing their number with their teacher Will. He suggested disco for the routine but the members do not want to do it. You get to see them performing 'Gold digger " and "Push It" in this episode. Rachel also sings "Take A Bow".
Chris said that this was his professional debut. He went to the audition. He had an agent that was a family friend of a friend. He actually auditioned for the role of Artie, the guy in the wheelchair. They liked him so much they created the role of Kurt for him. His character name is Kurt because Ryan thought he looked like he would have been in The Sound Of Music. Chris mentioned that he actually was in a version of the musical and played Kurt. Next thing he is hired for Glee and his character is named Kurt.
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