CJ is 24 years old from Boca Raton, FL and is a serious college football players. Ayiiia (with way too many I’s in her name) in 21 years old, hails from San Diego, and was the online winner to get into The Real World house this season. Bartenders Jonna and Derek, both 20 years old and from Arizona, work together and are the only two housemates who previously knew each other. 21 year old Emilee, from Boston, has never lived out of the country and is looking forward to experiencing new things. The jobs are back this season the roomies will be working for StudentCity.com which provides a safe and fun spring break for college students. Is that even a job? That just sounds like fun!
This season, the eight (semi) strangers will be living in a suite, instead of a house which reminds me of the Vegas cast. This suite is pimped out in true Real World style and you can’t help but drool a little over it. Massage chairs, pool tables, group showers, the world’s biggest computer, and a giant pool are just some of the things that will entertain these people over the next few months. I don’t know if he’s trying to be this season’s Puck, but Joey seems on a mission to rub the girls the wrong way. At the bar the first night, he gets so drunk that CJ has to put him in bed before the festivities can continue. Immediately after, Bronne pukes on the floor of a bar. Can no man hold his liquor? Come on now!
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