But under the title "Fire David Letterman" is the announcement of a rally to be held on Tuesday, June 16, at the Ed Sullivan Theatre in New York City (where "Late Show with David Letterman") is recorded. David Letterman seems to have touched a nerve with his inappropriate joke told Monday night. Not one to ever let a Sarah Palin moment go un-joked about, Letterman included in his Top 10 List that night ("Top Ten Highlights of Sarah Palin's Trip to New York") that Palin had went to Bloomingdale's to "update her 'slutty flight attendant' look."
Sarah Palin attended a Yankee game with her 14-year-old daughter Willow. In response, Palin accused Letterman of making a joke about a minor getting raped. She also called Letterman a pervert. Letterman claimed that he meant to reference Bristol Palin, who is an adult. He apologized and said the joke was in bad taste. New York State Assembly Minority Leader Brian Kolb is one of the people spearheading the “Fire David Letterman” movement. Radio talk show host John Ziegler is also supporting the rally.
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