Friday, October 9, 2009

ObamaNobel Peace Prize

ObamaNobel Peace Prize

Obama to get the Nobel for his groveling International Nevile Chamberlain has been comparable to it (which is not) to sign with the Nazis taking over the British stroke of the pen. Such Norwegian "baloney phoney" is taken seriously only after the Liberals - Chris Matthews will be one of Obama tingle running up their leg. Perhaps your client former president may award money acorn. Events in the world is moving so fast. Far from being a nothing President, from day one, Obama has tried to win with ideas, logic and reason instead of bluster, threats and bladder. Is not this kind of world we all want to live in? Gandhi said "Be the change you want to see in the world." Obama was to begin.
Only time will tell when the Nobel Committee made a mistake with the timing. We hoped they were right. This is the news that I saw throughout the year, you must be a stupid thing. My kids have done exactly nothing means anything. And now he "won" is useless. Nonsense. If I were President Obama, I would be shocked and embarrassed.New low and embarrassment - appointed in a few weeks after his inauguration - the liberal obsession and the cult of personality knows no limits - the hero worship is nothing less than sickening - U.S. President during 9 months.
promote the left, and have clearly done well in picking Obama - in the past they had much more credibilty selecting candidates with actual accomplishments or who have survived torture i.e. the Dalai Lama or even President Carter who decades after ACTUAL accomplishments recieved the award. Obama? Nothing other than ambivalence and apologizing on behalf of America - so pathetic its beyond words. Nice way to intervene a faltering administration. Perhaps he can skip some other rules and qualify for canonization and sainthood in his first term also. Also nice to see a President diss and decide not to see a real laureate, Dalai Lama, and for his weakness and capitulation, he is awarded a Nobel Peace prize himself. Pathetic. After the shameful leadership and performance that we and the world have endured for eight years, the contrast is eminently refreshing, which is what this European beacon is signaling. It recognizes that America _does_ have better angels in its nature. Obama has ALREADY done a tremendous amount simply by changing the PARADIGM. We can no longer just run out and "kick butt" somewhere and then run back behind our borders. the only way to get along in this ever-shrinking world is to have a much broader view. We are truly "ALL in this together." It's nice to now feel a part of this wonderful, complicated world, rather than just it's detached ruler...
One of the things that the world and many Americans found so disturbing about the bush cabal was their total disregard for the entirety of the flow of history and their disregard for the internation system of conflict resolution created by the United States in the 20th century. A system and set of ideas and ideals followed by every American president from FDR to Clinton. Every one regardless of party or ideology played from the same rulebook. A rulebook drafted from the foundation of American values and ideals. bush thought all the rules - those ones, the ones in the Constitution, the ones in American law, simply did not apply to him if he wanted to do something outside the rules. THAT is why the nobel commitee was moved to present this award to President Obama. He has moved in a short time, a time when he is also fixing the system of finance left in tatters by conservatives, while he is fixing the health care system left in tatters, the environmental policy of the US also left in tatters, moved in that short time to place the United States foursquare and center back in a place of leadership and moral authority stemming from our adherence to our own system of laws and values. He is leading by example, not by dropping bombs on anyone who dare disagree with him. A much stronger and far reaching way to affect democratic change and bring peace.

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