Thursday, August 20, 2009

Jon Gosselin Fired

Jon Gosselin Fired
According to many sources, TLC is very unhappy with Jon Gosselin. But reportedly Jon Gosselin may want to be fired from “Jon and Kate Plus 8″ to be able to star in a reality show of his own. Read more on this story below. TMZ has reported that Jon Gosselin is in talks with production company “Endomol” to appear in his own show called the “Divorced Dad’s Club”. The show would chronicle the lives of famous divorced fathers. Producers talked to Jon, but he’s worried about his contract with TLC.
But Jon may still have a shot at the new show, because we’re told TLC is not happy with his conduct lately on “Jon & Kate Plus 8.” We’re told they fired off a letter to him, claiming he was in violation of the morals clause of his contract, partly because he’s been seen going in and out of bars and drinking. Would you watch a new reality show with Jon Gosselin and other divorced dads?Jon Gosselin’s behavior has been sort of an enigma lately, one might say it is the defacto enacting of that great aphorism “biting the hand that feeds you.” Well, as it turns out that may be truer than anyone would have thought – Jon has every reason in the world to get fired off Jon & Kate Plus 8. As a matter of fact, I think you should all start getting a feel for the new title: Kate Plus 8. It does have a ring to it? Doesn’t it.
Jon’s bad boy behavior, womanizing, and general douchebaggery has puzzled folks. Why is a guy who became famous as a sort of super-dad suddenly acting like a two bit rockstar in a foot-race to contract herpes? Well, for starters, life isn’t as rosy for Jon as we may think. Turns out he quickly blew his share of the show money last season, and this season was cut out of financial control by a court order after he was found to be ‘irresponsible.’ Ouch. Lately, Jon’s fame-seeking girlfriend Hailey Glassmen has been finishing the job he started, calling TLC “The Lying Channel,” and insinuating that Jon & Kate Plus 8 viewers were morons for not moving on and getting over the breakup. She also indirectly dissed the plus 8 by saying their happiest times were when it was just the two of them. Cripes lady.

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